Madcap ‘POTUS’ Kicks Off Trinity Rep’s Season

Reviewed by Tony Annicone

The opening show of Trinity Repertory Company’s 61st season is Selina Fillinger’s political feminist farce called “POTUS: Or Behind Every Great Dumbass Are Seven Women Trying to Keep Him Alive.” It’s a contemporary farce about seven women at the White House trying to keep things running smoothly in spite of an incompetent and morally bankrupt head of the US. Sound familiar? When a PR problem that could have dire worldwide consequences pops up, it is up to these seven women to do damage control. These women include his wife, chief of staff, press secretary, mouthy ex-con sister, mousy secretary, young “innocent” girl from Iowa, and a nosy reporter who wants the inside scoop. Director Curt Columbus picks seven strong actresses to portray these diverse and extremely comical characters. The madcap adventures and roller coaster ride they bring us on leads to nonstop laughter from start to finish, helping us escape from the stressful 2024 election looming upon us in November. What a marvelous way to begin Trinity’s 61st season.

Curt, who has been the artistic director at Trinity for 18 years, blocks the show marvelously and gives each actress their moment to shine. Act One begins with Jean, the picky and prissy Press Secretary, trying to weed out callers from making things too drawn out and wanting to straighten out the political distress post-haste. Long-time company member Rachael Warren tackles this role marvelously and starts the show off with a bang. Her hidden relationship with another character is exposed, and many wild and crazy adventures ensue. Rachael’s interactions with the whole cast are amazing. However, by Act 2, we watch all their problems blow up in all their faces as they try and fail to hold it together. Jackie Davis portrays Margaret as a beautiful, extremely smart, and capable first lady. She gives a brilliant portrayal as she tries to deal with all the other women with varying results. These comical confrontations leave you howling with laughter. Watching her wear different shoes come across as being more earthy is hilarious.

Rachel Dulude hilariously plays the President’s butch, ex-con sister, Bernadette. She is a tough broad with some naughty and bawdy lines as she interacts with the other characters. The C-word is used many times all show long and when she delivers some goodies to the mousy secretary, Stephanie, Jenna Lea Scott is when the you know what hits the fan. Rachel’s funny lines hit pay dirt all night, and one of the funniest is when she calls Dusty a prostitart. Jenna’s spiraling out of control, her facial expressions, and her physical comedy moments have to be seen to be believed. The bathroom scene, her tripping out on the mysterious Tums, and many other comical moments entrance you. 

Understudy Mary Potts Dennis commands the stage as Harriet, the bossy and take-charge Chief of Staff. (Deb Martin, who usually plays the role, hurt her back and is recovering.) Harriet knows more about the inner workings of the White House than anyone else. They all wonder why she isn’t the President. (This show was written in 2022 but maybe foreshadowed another presidential run by a woman for the White House.) One of her funniest moments is trying to find a way to explain an anal abscess in other terms. Her meltdown is wonderfully rendered. One of the biggest scene stealers in the show is the mysterious Dusty from Iowa, who is fabulously played by Tay Bass. The character continually assumes the other women know who Dusty really is and will readily give her a job. Dusty’s first entrance includes her puking up a blue slushy in the toilet, spilling the beans about her true relationship with Potus, and how she is a marvel with various websites. Tay is very naughty and over the top. Especially funny is a cheerleading scene and a stop-the-show song done with Jenna that brings the house down. The final member of the seven women is Chris, who is a reporter trying to get the scoop on what’s really happening. Sara States does a marvelous job as this pushy reporter who just had a baby and is breastfeeding. She tries to obtain information from the other women with varying success. Chris does something that puts the whole country on the brink of disaster at the close of Act 1. The wild and crazy antics of this show, and especially the chase scene during the show’s closing, will have you laughing merrily all the way home. So, for a fabulous way to start of the season, be sure to catch “Potus” at Trinity Rep. For tickets go to their website or give them a call. Run, do not walk to the box office before the entire run is completely sold out. A word of praise to scenic designer, Collette Pollard, costume designer Shahrzed Mazheri, lighting designer, Dawn Chiang and sound designer, Megumi Katayama. Stage manager Polly Feliciano keeps the show moving smoothly all night. All of Curt’s and their combined efforts win the talented cast a resounding standing ovation at the close of hilarious and timely farce.

POTUS (5 to 22 September & 10 to 27 October)

Trinity Repertory Company, 201 Washington Street, Providence, RI


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