Huntington’s ‘Sherlock’s Last Case’ a Wildly Comic Caper


by Mike Hoban


‘Sherlock’s Last Case’Written by Charles Marowitz, Directed by Maria Aitken; Scenic Design, Hugh Landwehr; Costume Design, Fabio Toblini; Lighting Design, Philip S. Rosenberg; Sound Design, Mic Pool. Presented by Huntington Theatre Company at 264 Huntington Avenue, Boston through October 28


There’s nothing elementary about the Huntington’s production of Sherlock’s Last Case, director Maria Aitken’s revival of Charles Marowitz’ 1987 fan fiction piece. This very clever and often laugh-out-loud take on the world’s most famous fictional figure comes up with a surprising premise that is actually quite logical – given the nature of resentments – to anyone even remotely familiar with Sherlock Holmes (Rufus Collins) and his unassuming sidekick, Dr. Watson (Mark Zeisler). As someone who is more familiar with the parodies and reinterpretations of the Sherlock Holmes tales than the original works by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, I may not be the best judge of how well Sherlock’s Last Case measures up to the best of the stories of the “World’s Greatest Detective”, but there are certainly enough plot developments to keep you guessing throughout.

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