BEASTS Providence College Theatre

Reviewed by Tony Annicone

Providence College Theatre’s current show is “Beasts”, an original play written by current PC senior Thomas Edwards and directed by John Garrity, associate professor of theatre. This is the first time an original student written work will be presented as a mainstage production. According to the writer and director, “Beasts” tells the story of corruption in a small town in America called Ouranos and is fueled by Jason Anderson. He has the desire for power to control those around him including his wife and political assistant. Loyalty is everything and the truth is feared. There is no good and evil, only humanity. It is definitely a cautionary tale for our times At first glance you might think this was ripped out of headlines of our contemporary society but it flashes back and forth from 1945 to 1948. The show is narrated by Left Samael, the Angel of Death and Right Samael, the Demon of Temptation who appear at the start of each scene of the show. John Garrity casts eight strong college performers in these intense and gripping roles. The song “You Are My Sunshine” plays on the radio during the show. The set has chairs, tables, desks and other assorted furniture strewn about the stage and even some of them floating above the stage. It looks like a tornado hit the town as the audience witnesses the battle between good and evil and discovers the deadly sins that are committed including Envy, Pride, Greed and Wrath. Voices are heard by Jason but are they for vices or virtue? Secret relationships are revealed and one of the lessons learned is when you destroy love, life is meaningless.

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