BATBOY:THE MUSICAL (Providence College)


Reviewed by Tony Annicone


The opening show of Providence College’s Blackfriar’s Theatre is “Bat Boy:The Musical” based on a tabloid story in The Weekly World News. It is a musical reminiscent of “Little Shop of Horrors” and “The Rocky Horror Show” done in a campy manner, lots of blood and gore depicted by lighting. A half boy/half bat creature is a discovered in a cave near Hope Falls, West Virginia in 1953. The local Sheriff brings Bat Boy to the home of the veterinarian, Dr. Parker, where he is eventually accepted as a member of the family and taught to act “normal.” They teach him how to speak and he yearns for acceptance eventually falling in love with Shelly, the daughter of the family incurring the wrath of his foster father. Bat Boy is happy with his new life but when he naively tries to fit in with the narrow-minded people of Hope Falls, they turn on him.

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