Hub Theater’s ‘46 Plays for America’s First Ladies’ a Darkly Comic History Lesson

Cast of the Hub Theater Company’s “46 Plays for America’s First Ladies.” Photo: Andrew Keefe

46 Plays for America’s First Ladies‘ – Written by Genevra Gallo-Bayiates, Sharon Greene, Chloe Johnston, Bilal Dardai, and Andy Bayiates; Directed by Ilyse Robbins; Set Design by Justin Lahue; Lighting Design by Emily Bearce;Sound Design by Gage Baker; and Costumes by E. Rosser. Presented by Hub Theatre Company at Club Cafe, 209 Columbus Ave., Boston, MA.

By Mike Hoban

If you’re going to Hub Theater’s 46 Plays for America’s First Ladies expecting a fawning third-grade history treatment of the women who “stood behind their men,” you’re in for a surprise. That premise is obliterated in the opening vignette when Martha Washington tells the audience, “I loved slavery” and describes her time as First Lady as akin to being a “state prisoner” – which is an actual quote from the wife of the “Father of Our Country.” Wow.

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