‘Every Brilliant Thing’. Written by Duncan Macmillan with Johnny Donahoe. Directed by Danielle Fauteux Jacques. Scenic and Sound Design by Joseph Lark-Riley. Lighting Design by Danielle Fauteux Jacques. Produced by Apollinaire Theatre Company at Chelsea Theatre Works, 189 Winnisimmet St, Chelsea, MA through January 19th.
By Charlotte Snow
Can times really be that ‘unprecedented’ when more and more different kinds of ‘unprecedented’ actions and events appear time and time again? It’s a question that I have been asking myself repeatedly with the turning of the new year (and admittedly with the overturning of the old administration). It’s been far too easy for all of the negative thoughts about the world and one’s place in it to form a snowball of anxiety that grows in speed and size as it hurtles downward.
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